When it comes to staying safe on the open road, you can never be too careful, too prepared, or too informed. With approximately 500,000 trucking accidents occurring each year in the United States, and of those about 5,000 are fatal accidents. In these accidents, 98% of the time it’s the driver of the other vehicle who is killed.
Now that we’re done scaring you with a few hard-hitting facts, let’s get into some tips (with some help from our friends at esurance) that will help keep you and other motorist as safe as possible while you’re manning the wheel.
1. Pay Attention to Blind Spots
It’s said that the best offense is defense and that’s no different for driving a truck. Make sure you pay close attention to the areas just behind your side mirrors, right behind the truck and off to the front of the cab – especially when turning and changing lanes. This will help keep you and other drivers safe from an accident.
2. Slow Down in Work Zones
This is a no brainer, but in work zones – SLOW DOWN! Just slow down.
3. Slow Down Around Curves
Again, this is an obvious one, but you can never be reminded enough. To avoid tipping over, take curves like exit and entrance ramps slower than the speed limit.
4. Load Your Truck With Care
Stack your cargo low and throughout the entire space of the truck. This will help you avoid creating more drag for the truck, while increasing fuel economy.
5. Adapt to Bad Weather
When traveling in inclement weather, including rain, snow and sleet, cut down on your speed. You’ll also want to allow for more time for changing lanes and making turns – and it doesn’t hurt to turn your blinker on sooner than usual to give sufficient warning to other motorists.
Have more tips for staying safe on the road? Share them with us in the comments below!