Category: Truck Driving Industry

Consider These Presents for the Truck Driver In Your Life

Truck driver taking a break in the back of his cab

Truck drivers spend a lot of time in their trucks, going down the open road, traveling from city to city and then some… What kind of gifts would be good for the truck driver in your life? Help Truck Drivers Protect Their Valuables For starters, how about a portable diversion safe they can take with… Read more »

Truck Driving Industry is Filled With Dedicated Professionals

Responsible truck driver giving a thumbs up

Most people only think about truck driving while on the highway. There are many preconceived notions about truckers and the trucking industry, however, the industry is filled with talented and dedicated individuals ready to transport your goods safely. Safety First Despite their job being driving, truckers on average get in three times fewer accidents than… Read more »

High Gas Prices Are Deeply Impacting the Trucking Industry

Truck driver's hand holding a fuel pump at a station

We’re living in difficult times. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is having worldwide impacts, including the steady rise of gas prices in the USA. As fuel prices rise, truckers and trucking companies are forced to pay more to fill their rigs. This translates into higher costs for consumers who should expect to pay more money for… Read more »

Truck Drivers Are Frustrated By Far More Than Just COVID

Young, first year truck driver in his cab

Covid-19 mandates ended up causing quite a stir because Canadian truckers shut down North America’s land border in order to protest having to get vaccine shots in order to do their jobs. And plenty of truck drivers in the United States have been equally frustrated with the government telling them what they should do– or… Read more »

These Rules May Be Preventing More Drivers From Joining the Trucking Industry

Semi Truck Driving into sunset

There’s certainly a need for more truck drivers, but industry rules and regulations may be preventing more drivers from joining the industry. Interestingly, enrollment at truck driving schools is on the upswing across the country, so that is good news, right? But it will be a while before those new recruits are actually able to… Read more »

A New Pilot Program Wants Teenage Long Haul Truck Drivers

Teenage Truck Driver in Cab of Long Haul Truck

Could teenagers fill in the gaps for the trucking industry in the U.S.? There is a severe lack of drivers in the U.S. right now, and that has contributed to all sorts of supply chain problems. If you have noticed empty shelves at the local stores, it’s probably because there aren’t enough truckers to bring… Read more »

Salary and Flexible Hours Are Key to Truck Driver Retention

Young man driving commercial truck

How do you get truckers to be in it for the long haul? In other words, how do you get them to keep doing their jobs year after year rather than quitting to move to a different career? It turns out that better pay and flexible schedules are crucial to keeping truck drivers for the… Read more »

Best Trucker Certifications to Get

Commercial Driving 101 on Chalkboard for Class to Read

Okay, so you want to be a trucker and you need some certifications, right? What are some of the best to get? CDL The main certification you’ll both want and need to be a professional truck driver these days is your CDL (Commercial Driver License). You need one of these if you drive interstate, within… Read more »

Truck Drivers Are Key to Fixing the Supply Chain

Supply Chain Circular Graphic Featuring a Commercial Truck

Are truck drivers the key to fixing supply chain issues? Yes, they are. Truckers move goods all around the country– and the world. The problem, though, is there aren’t enough of them. The trucking industry in the U.S. is short about 80,000 drivers, according to Chris Spear, President and CEO of the American Trucking Associations…. Read more »